Thursday, August 28, 2008

Project Runway Ep. 7, Part II

It's Runway Day!


Blayne manages to leave Atlas with nary a whisper of "licious." Is the nightmare finally over? We can only wait and see!

Back in the workroom, Tim does the Brand Placement Blahblahblah and sends in the models for their final fitting and to get them to hair & makeup. Everyone's freaking out trying to finish. Keith instructs his model to "watch the breathing" - not a good sign. Jerrell is having his model get a crazy futuristic unicorn 'do that looks awesome. Leanne is stuffing muslin under the structured bumps in her dress to keep them in place (smart move!).

Then - Drama! Keith had clearly instructed his model not to sit down in the dress, and she claims "they made me sit" - uh, yeah, right. If the hair person needed her at a certain level, they should have stood up on something, or had her kneel up on the floor. Well, she sat down, and she tore the seam in the front of the dress. I really feel bad for Keith here - he's so stressed by his near-elimination last week that he's already wound way up, and now with literally 5 minutes until the Runway, his dress is ripped and there isn't time to really fix it.

On to the Runway, where the gorgeous Laura Bennett, dressed in red, is filling in for Nina Garcia, who's off putting cyanide in Ann Slowey's chamomile tea or something. The actual Guest Judge is Rachel Zoe (pronounced "zoh," not "zoh-ee"), who I feel like I'm supposed to know, but I don't. She has a show called "The Rachel Zoe Project" on Bravo and I haven't even seen it! I'm such a bad fashion ho. Anyway, she's up for it and ends up being a great judge.

I scribbled my notes pretty furiously, so I might end up recapping the designs out of the order they walked. Ah, who gives a crap? Let's get to the clothing!

Jerrell's model walked first, in a very fitted, indeed futuristic-looking top-and-skirt design:
He used resin interior molding to trim the top. The skirt's a little too short imo, but it's a solid, chic, innovative look.

Keith - The only thing I wrote in my notes: "Boring!"
And it was. Sadly, even if the model hadn't ripped the skirt, this would have been a dud. His goal was to make an outfit that didn't look at all like it'd come from a car. Unfortunately, Keith, it looks kinda like Talbot's. Talbot's that an angry cat got to.

Korto's swing coat came out AMAZING!
I needn't have worried about how it initially looked on the model. It looked fantastic, not at all like anything made from seatbelts. Beautiful work, and innovative. That hem is a little huh, but what the hell, it's seatbelts.

Kenley made a skirt, top, and some sort of tutu-style peplum that she hand-decorated with a black marker. I can't decide whether I like it or hate it, actually.
Huh. I like the skirt, but that peplum thing is just weird.

Leanne - WOW indeed. This sort of dress isn't my style at all, but this is just fab:
I normally hate garments that give women bizarre bumpy shapes, but I can't deny the innovation and the impeccable workmanship. The detailing on the top is made from looped seatbelts, but you'd never know. The more I see of this girl, the more I like her ideas! She's come a long way from the Peter Pan Loopy Loops from the second ep.

Suede - the same. freaking. silhouette. Again.
But it's not a bad entry for this particular challenge. The top is a much better idea than the mirror-tiling mess he initially tried; he cut up a floor mat (tooootally wackadoodle, dude) and I like the way he did that, though it's a little raggedy-looking right at the top. The skirt is bright and fun and vibrant and moved well on the runway.

Next: The rest of the designs!


Anonymous said...

That was Korto's amazing coat, not Terri's. :)

watch me boogie said...

Ooh, thank you, I didn't even catch the typo! Fixed now. :)